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Using the Intel® RealSense™ SDK to Create “Hello World” Project in C#/WPF


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This paper presents the basic steps required to develop a C# Windows* Presentation Foundation (WPF) app from scratch that incorporates the Intel® RealSense™ SDK for Windows*. The project described in this walkthrough can be built using Microsoft Visual Studio* Express 2013 for Windows Desktop or the professional versions of Visual Studio 2013.

The example outlined in this paper results in a “Hello World” app that demonstrates color camera streaming and gesture recognition (Figure 1). While not all of the capabilities of the user-facing 3D depth camera are explored in this article, the resulting application framework will support many of the other natural interaction modalities offered in the Intel SDK.

Figure 1.Hello World App Responds to Hand Waving


The Intel RealSense SDK contains a number of feature-rich sample apps developed in C# and C++ that demonstrate the advanced capabilities of the 3D camera. Developers can use the source code that accompanies these samples as a launching point for developing their own apps; however, in many cases a developer will want to create a brand new project that integrates the Intel RealSense SDK.

At the time of this writing, most of the C# sample apps in the SDK are based on the Windows Forms user interface model. In this article we explore an alternative approach to user interface development using WPF. Since the main objective here is to present the essentials of creating an Intel RealSense app, we won’t be covering exception handling and advanced UI details found in a full-featured app.


You should have some knowledge of C# and know some of the basic operations in Visual Studio like building an executable, etc. Your system needs a front-facing 3D depth camera compatible with the Intel RealSense SDK for the example code to work correctly.

Create the Project

Figure 2.Hello World Skeleton Project in Visual Studio*

Figure 2 shows a new C# WPF project in Visual Studio. Perform the following steps to create this project:

  • Launch Visual Studio 2013. (Note: if you are using the free Express version, make sure it is Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop.)
  • Select File, New Project… from the menu bar.
  • In the New Project screen, expand Templates and select Visual C#.
  • Select WPF Application.
  • Specify the location for the new project and its name. For this example, our location is C:\MyRealSenseProjects and we’ll name it HelloWorld.
  • Click OK to create the new project.

Add References to the Intel RealSense SDK Libraries

Two dynamic-link libraries (DLL) are required for creating Intel RealSense apps in C#:

  • libpxcclr.cs.dll – the managed C# interface DLL
  • libpxccpp2c.dll – the unmanaged C++ P/Invoke DLL

Two approaches are available for adding the required Intel RealSense SDK library (DLL) support to your project:

  • Create references to the required DLLs located outside of the project, typically as part of a system-wide install of the Intel RealSense SDK.
  • Add the required DLLs to the project and create local references.

In the following sections we will explore both techniques for adding the required libraries for Intel RealSense technology.

Reference Libraries Outside of the Project

Referencing libraries outside of the project has the benefit of keeping your project updated with new versions of the DLLs when the SDK is upgraded to new versions. The downside is that you may need to explicitly modify the references if the SDK installation path changes or when building to a different target platform.

If you want to reference the libraries externally, start by right-clicking the HelloWorld project in Solution Explorer, and then select Properties.

Figure 3.Build Events Screen

if "$(Platform)" == "x86" ( copy /y "$(RSSDK_DIR)binwin32libpxccpp2c.dll""$(TargetDir)" ) else ( copy /y "$(RSSDK_DIR)binx64libpxccpp2c.dll""$(TargetDir)" )

Figure 4.Post-build event command

Figures 3 and 4 show how, in the Properties editor, you can select Build Events from the left-hand menu options and then enter the text in the post-build event command line.

At the end of the build process, this statement directs Visual Studio to copy the unmanaged DLL (libpxccpp2c.dll) from the appropriate x86 or x64 folder in the SDK installation path to the project’s output directory, depending on the specified target platform.

Next, select Build from the left-hand menu. In this example we’re creating a 64-bit app, so select x64 for the target platform from the drop-down list. At this point if you build the project you will find that libpxccpp2c.dll is present in the output folder, for example:


The next step is to add a reference to the managed DLL (libpxcclr.cs.dll). As stated in the Intel RealSense SDK Developer Guide, it is a known limitation that Visual Studio cannot handle 32-bit and 64-bit references at the same time; so the application must explicitly modify the reference before building a different target.

Figure 5.Reference Manager Screen

Figure 5 shows how to create an explicit reference to the 64-bit DLL:

  • In Solution Explorer, expand the list under HelloWorld and then right-click References.
  • Select Add References… and then click the Browse… button.
  • Navigate to the folder containing the 64-bit DLL, which will depend on the destination of the RSSDK folder selected during installation. Figure 5 shows the installation path to the x64 build of libpxcclr.cs.dll used in our particular example.
  • Click the OK button to add the reference to the project.

Manually Add Libraries to the Project

An alternative approach is to add the libraries for Intel RealSense technology directly to the project. This approach has the benefit of keeping the DLLs bundled closely with the other project files, thus reducing the chance of broken references in the project. The downside is that the DLLs may need to be manually updated and aligned with the project as new versions of the SDK are released.

Note: Do not use both approaches to reference the libraries for Intel RealSense technology. If you decide to add the DLLs directly, either create a new project or remove the previously added reference and post-build command.

First, locate both DLLs (libpxcclr.cs.dll and libpxccpp2c.dll) in the SDK installation folder and copy them to the project folder. In this example, we are specifying the following source and destination folders:

Source: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\RSSDK\bin\x64

Destination: C:\MyRealSenseProjects\HelloWorld\HelloWorld

Note: In this simple example we are copying the DLLs directly to the project folder. In many cases, particularly those in which the solution contains more than one project, it is preferable to organize DLLs in a common folder named lib at the solution level.

Back in the Visual Studio environment, follow these steps to add the libraries to the project:

  • In Solution Explorer, right-click HelloWorld and then select Add, Existing Items… from the menu options.
  • Navigate to the local project folder (C:\MyRealSenseProjects\HelloWorld\HelloWorld) and select Executable Files (*.exe; *.dll; *.ocx) from the drop-down list.
  • Highlight both DLLs (libpxcclr.cs.dll and libpxccpp2c.dll) and then click the Add button. The DLLs should now show up in the Solution Explorer window.
  • Right-click References in Solution Explorer and select Add References… to open the Reference Manager window.
  • Click the Browse button and navigate to the local copy of the managed DLL (e.g., C:\MyRealSenseProjects\HelloWorld\HelloWorld).
  • Highlight libpxcclr.cs.dll and click the Add button.
  • Back in the Reference Manager screen, ensure the local copy of libpxcclr.cs.dll is selected and click the OK button.
  • In Solution Explorer, click the unmanaged DLL (libpxccpp2c.dll) to select it.
  • The Properties screen will now be showing the file properties for libpxccpp2c.dll. Locate the “Copy to Output Directory” field and use the drop-down list to select Copy Always. This ensures the unmanaged DLL gets copied to the project output folder when you build the application.
  • Right-click the HelloWorld project in Solution Explorer, and then select Properties. Next, select Build from the left-hand menu. In this example we’re creating a 64-bit app, so select x64 for the target platform from the drop-down list.

At this point the Hello World project is Intel RealSense SDK-ready, so let’s build the application!

Create the User Interface

Our simple Hello World app demonstrates streaming video from the color camera and gesture recognition. It uses three WPF controls:

  • An Image control for hosting the video stream
  • A Label for printing “Hello World!” on the screen when the user waves a hand at the camera
  • A StackPanel container to hold the other controls

Start by dragging StackPanel, Image, and Label controls from the Toolbox over to the main window in the Design view. Don’t worry about how the controls are placed on the main window for now. The main thing to ensure is that the names of the Image and Label controls match the following:

Image Control: imgColorStream

Label Control: lblMessage

<Window x:Class="HelloWorld.MainWindow"
        Title="Hello World" Width="640" Height="560"
        Loaded="Window_Loaded"><StackPanel><Image x:Name="imgColorStream" /><Label x:Name="lblMessage" Content="Label"
               FontSize="24" /></StackPanel></Window>

Figure 6.XAML for the UI

The fully edited XAML code for this project is shown in Figure 6. Feel free to copy and paste it into the XAML editor (MainWindow.xaml) for your project, or lay out the components any way you see fit.

Create the Utility Class

Most of the coding will be done in MainWindow.xaml.cs; however, we will also be adding a utility class to support bitmap conversions for the color video stream.

Perform the following steps to add the utility class:

  • Right-click HelloWorld in Solution Explorer.
  • Select Add, New Item
  • Select Class and name it ConvertBitmap.cs.
  • Click the Add button.

using System;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;

namespace HelloWorld
    class ConvertBitmap
        public static extern bool DeleteObject(IntPtr handle);
        public static BitmapSource;
        public static IntPtr intPointer;
        public static BitmapSource BitmapToBitmapSource(System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap)
            intPointer = bitmap.GetHbitmap();

            bitmapSource = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(intPointer,

            return bitmapSource;

Figure 7.Code for the ConvertBitmap.cs class

Add the code in Figure 7 to the new ConvertBitmap.cs class. Note that the System.Drawing.Imaging namespace we are attempting to use is flagged as a missing assembly reference by the compiler. To remedy this, add it to the project by following these steps:

  • Right-click References in Solution Explorer and select Add References… to open the Reference Manager window.
  • Click Framework and then search the list for System.Drawing. Highlight the checkbox and then click the OK button.
  • At this point the project should build without any errors.

Listing for MainWindow.xaml.cs

Figure 8 provides a complete listing of the code in MainWindow.xaml.cs.

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Threading;
using System.Drawing;

namespace HelloWorld
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        private Thread processingThread;
        private PXCMSenseManager senseManager;
        private PXCMHandModule hand;
        private PXCMHandConfiguration handConfig;
        private PXCMHandData handData;
        private PXCMHandData.GestureData gestureData;
        private bool handWaving;
        private bool handTrigger;
        private int msgTimer;

        public MainWindow()
            handWaving = false;
            handTrigger = false;
            msgTimer = 0;

            // Instantiate and initialize the SenseManager
            senseManager = PXCMSenseManager.CreateInstance();
            senseManager.EnableStream(PXCMCapture.StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_COLOR, 640, 480, 30);

            // Configure the Hand Module
            hand = senseManager.QueryHand();
            handConfig = hand.CreateActiveConfiguration();

            // Start the worker thread
            processingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ProcessingThread));

        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            lblMessage.Content = "(Wave Your Hand)";

        private void Window_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
            if (handData != null) handData.Dispose();

        private void ProcessingThread()
            // Start AcquireFrame/ReleaseFrame loop
            while (senseManager.AcquireFrame(true) >= pxcmStatus.PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
                PXCMCapture.Sample sample = senseManager.QuerySample();
                Bitmap colorBitmap;
                PXCMImage.ImageData colorData;

                // Get color image data
                sample.color.AcquireAccess(PXCMImage.Access.ACCESS_READ, PXCMImage.PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24, out colorData);
                colorBitmap = colorData.ToBitmap(0, sample.color.info.width, sample.color.info.height);

                // Retrieve gesture data
                hand = senseManager.QueryHand();

                if (hand != null)
                    // Retrieve the most recent processed data
                    handData = hand.CreateOutput();
                    handWaving = handData.IsGestureFired("wave", out gestureData);

                // Update the user interface

                // Release the frame
                if (handData != null) handData.Dispose();

        private void UpdateUI(Bitmap bitmap)
            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(delegate()
                if (bitmap != null)
                    // Mirror the color stream Image control
                    imgColorStream.RenderTransformOrigin = new System.Windows.Point(0.5, 0.5);
                    ScaleTransform mainTransform = new ScaleTransform();
                    mainTransform.ScaleX = -1;
                    mainTransform.ScaleY = 1;
                    imgColorStream.RenderTransform = mainTransform;

                    // Display the color stream
                    imgColorStream.Source = ConvertBitmap.BitmapToBitmapSource(bitmap);

                    // Update the screen message
                    if (handWaving)
                        lblMessage.Content = "Hello World!";
                        handTrigger = true;

                    // Reset the screen message after ~50 frames
                    if (handTrigger)

                        if (msgTimer >= 50)
                            lblMessage.Content = "(Wave Your Hand)";
                            msgTimer = 0;
                            handTrigger = false;

Figure 8.Code in MainWindow.xaml.cs

In the next section we will highlight some of the main points of interest.

Code Details

As shown in the source code presented in Figure 8, the MainWindow class is composed of the following methods:

  • MainWindow() – Constructor
  • Window_Loaded() – Event handler
  • Window_Closing() – Event handler
  • ProcessingThread() – Worker thread
  • UpdateUI() – Dispatcher for executing operations on the UI thread


A number of private objects and member variables with global scope are declared at the beginning of the MainWindow class. These objects are instantiated and variables initialized in the MainWindow constructor.

A SenseManager object is instantiated and initialized on program startup, and a hand module is configured to enable the “Wave” gesture. A worker thread named processingThread is also created and launched here.


The Window_Loaded() event handler is straightforward. This event is raised when the main window is loaded, at which point the screen message (i.e., lblMessage.Content) is set to “(Wave Your Hand)”.


The Window_Closing() event handler is raised when the user closes the application. The Dispose methods for the HandData, HandConfiguration, and SenseManager are called to ensure any unmanaged memory objects are released when the application closes. The processing thread is also aborted when this event is raised.


As described in the Intel RealSense SDK Reference Manual, the SenseManager interface can be used in one of two ways: either by procedural calls or by event callbacks. In our Hello World application we are using procedural calls as the chosen interfacing technique.

The acquire/release frame loop runs in its own thread, independent of the main UI thread. If you examine the code, you can see that it is here that we access the Intel RealSense SDK APIs to acquire color image data, retrieve hand gesture data, call the UpdateUI() method, and then release the frame. Updates to the UI are synchronized with the acquire/release frame loop through method calls to UpdateUI().


Update() uses the Dispatcher.Invoke method to perform operations that will be executed on the UI thread. These operations include displaying the color stream via a WPF Image control and displaying “Hello World!” in a Label control. This method also contains a simple counter that is used to reset the message from “Hello World!” back to “(Wave Your Hand)” within 50 frames if the waving gesture is no longer detected.


In this article we provided a simple walkthrough describing how to create an Intel RealSense SDK-enabled C#/WPF app from scratch using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop or the professional versions of Visual Studio 2013. The article also provided code listings for the XAML defining the user interface, along with all of the classes that make up the Hello World app. Give it a try and see what you think!

About Intel RealSense Technology

To get started and learn more about the Intel RealSense SDK for Windows, go to https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-realsense-sdk.

About the Author

Bryan Brown is a software applications engineer in the Developer Relations Division at Intel.

  • Intel® RealSense™ SDK
  • WPF
  • Sviluppatori
  • Microsoft Windows* (XP, Vista, 7)
  • Tecnologia Intel® RealSense™
  • Windows*
  • C#
  • Principiante
  • SDK Intel® RealSense™
  • Tecnologia Intel® RealSense™
  • Laptop
  • Tablet
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