Power analysis is available only with the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems, part of Intel System Studio. For Linux* platforms based on Intel Xeon® processors, use Power analysis types provided with the VTune Amplifier GUI. On Windows* OS, you may import and view results collected on a Linux platform. For Power analysis on Android* platforms, use the Intel® Energy Profiler tools to analyze power consumption for your system and identify causes of wake-ups that waste energy. To view the power analysis results collected on an Android system, use the VTune Amplifier for Systems graphical interface.
Use the CPU Frequency analysis to explore the processor frequency behavior: track frequency changes in the timeline and identify cores with the most time spent in the high frequency modes. Typically, spending more time in low frequency modes provides greater power savings.
VTune Amplifier displays the results of the CPU Frequency analysis in the CPU Frequency viewpoint where:
Summary window displays system-level statistics on the frequency behavior.
CPU Frequencies pane displays time spent in each frequency mode per core.
Timeline pane displays frequency transitions per core over time.
You may collect CPU frequency data and data on processor sleep states/wake-ups simultaneously. To do this, create a custom analysis type and make sure to enable both options Collect sleep data and Collect frequency data. In this case, the VTune Amplifier will provide collected results in both CPU Frequency and CPU Sleep States viewpoints.
To enable the power analysis, make sure your environment has a file named /boot/config-`uname -r`
located in your /boot/config
directory. If this files does not exist, run the following command: cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip - > /boot/config-`uname -r`