If you analyze your target several times using the same analysis type or different analysis types with the same metrics, you can use the Compare Results button to compare the results.
Intel® VTune™ Amplifier opens a new tab including the Bottom-up and Summary windows. The tab name combines the identifiers of two results. For example, the comparison of the concurrency results r001cc and r005cc appears as r001cc-r005cc. The data in the Bottom-up and Summary window provide the calculation of the difference between the two results that is calculated as you originally defined in the Compare Results window and as specified in the tab title.
Use this feature on a regular basis for regression testing to quickly see where each version of your target has better performance.
About Comparing Summary Data
In the comparison mode, the Summary window shows the difference in the overall application performance between two results and the system/platform difference, if any. Start exploring the changes from the Summary window and then move to the Bottom-up analysis to identify the changes per program unit.
About Comparing Bottom-up Analysis Data
In the comparison mode, the Bottom-up pane shows the data columns of the two results and a new column with the difference between these results for each program unit.
About Comparing Top-down Trees
In the comparison mode, the Top-down Tree pane shows the performance difference between two collection runs for a function and its callees.
About Comparing Source Code
When optimizing your target, you may want to know how differently input values, command line parameters, or compilation options affect the performance. To understand this, double-click a program unit of your interest and compare the performance data for each line of the source/assembly code.
See Also
Supplemental documentation specific to a particular Intel Studio may be available at <install-dir>\<studio>\documentation\