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Intel® Xeon Phi™ Coprocessor (Code Name: Knights Corner) Analysis Workflow



This type of analysis is supported by the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE only.

The following figure shows basic steps required to analyze an application running on Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessors based on Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture (Intel® MIC Architecture) or perform a system-wide analysis. You may choose to run one of the predefined analysis types, Advanced Hotspots, Bandwidth, General Exploration, or create a custom analysis type.


  • Build the target on the host with full optimizations, which is recommended for performance analysis.

  • When using an offload or cross compiler, make sure to manually install binary utilities (Binutils) included in the Intel Xeon Phi installation zip file package. For installation instructions, please refer to the Intel Compiler documentation.


Install the sampling driver

Install the sampling server and driver on an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor card to be sampled.


Specify and configure your analysis target from the host system

  • For native application analysis, copy the binary to the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. For offload applications, no copying is required. To communicate with the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor cards, you may use any of the following mechanisms:

    • Mount an NFS share. See the NFS Mounting a Host Export topic in the Intel Manycore Platform Software Stack (MPSS) help for details.

    • Use existing SSH tools.

  • In the Project Properties: Target, specify target options:

    • a type of the target system, which can be Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor (native) or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor (host launch), and a coprocessor card

    • an analysis target, which can be the system (Profile System type) or an application running on an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor card (Launch Application type)

  • For proper symbol resolution, specify search paths for Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor modules in the Project Properties: Binary/Symbol Search and Source Search tabs. Symbol resolution for Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor modules is done on the host during collection post-processing. You can also specify search paths after collection, but, if you do that, the result should be re-resolved to get the symbol information from the binaries after the symbol paths have been established.


Configure and run an analysis type

From the performance analysis tree in the Analysis Type window, choose and configure an analysis type. Click Start to run the analysis.


Open and interpret analysis results

Intel® VTune™ Amplifier generates a data collection result and, by default, opens it in the default viewpoint. Switch between available viewpoints to identify code regions that took most of the CPU time and experienced potentially significant architectural bottlenecks.


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